
A selection of interviews and commissions I recently wrote for French and International art magazines, galleries and artists.

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Contemporary And (C&), DISEGNO Journal of Design, DIPTYK Magazine, Galerie Perrotin Dubai, ARTSKOP34.37, Galerie Christophe Person, NELA Magazine, Black Square, AWARE Magazine, The Art Momentum, Galerie Cécile Fakhoury, Fondation H…

Recent work

Modou Dieng Yacine - Black Venezia. De l’Atlantique à la Méditerranée noire.

"From July 19 to August 8, 2024, Modou Dieng Yacine was invited in residency by the 193 Gallery in Venice, to examine how Venetian architecture, decorative arts, and painting from the 15th to 18th centuries unveil the presence of Black individuals, many of whom were enslaved, in the merchant city. During this period, Modou produced over twenty artworks. For the last week of his residency, he was joined by author Louise Thurin.”

Founded in 2018, the 193 Gallery, based in Paris and Venice (and soon in Mexico City), aims to offer a global tour of contemporary art and to showcase the diversity of art scenes worldwide, with a particular focus on Southern scenes (Caribbean, Africa, Latin America, Southeast Asia).

Residency diary published in French and English available in .pdf and limited edition.

Exhibition on view at the 193 Gallery in Paris from September 14 to November 16, 2024.

Recent work

Cindy Bannani, De Grenoble à Tanger.

This dialogue between artist Cindy Bannani and author Louise Thurin discuss the genesis of the Πworkshop in Montreuil, the details of Cindy's upcoming project in Tangier, and her research on the 1983 March for Equality and Against Racism, particularly through the lens of the difficulty of accessing archives.

mat3amclub is a Paris-based curatorial, writing, and reflection space focused on Mahgreb and Mashreq diasporic artistic practices in France.

Published in French on mat3amclub on June 19, 2024.

Recent work

Tangible Action, a photo reportage by Soum Eveline Bonkoungou and I, was featured in Disegno #37 and published online on August 15, 2024.

Louise Thurin visits Hamed Bransonka-bra Ouattara’s studio in Ouagadougou where he makes furniture out of scrap material, such as discarded oil drums and salvaged wood.

Disegno is a London-based journal publishing print titles four times a year devoted to long-form design writing & photography.

Published in English on Disegno Spring 2024 issue.

Recent work

I am grateful that the article on the 3rd Biennale Internationale de Sculpture de Ouagadougou (BISO) – Le Feu des origines is one of the most-read articles in 2023 on magazine ContemporaryAnd (C&).

Published in English on December 14th 2023.

Recent work

For this new feature with Black Square, I interviewed up-and-coming French artist Shivay la Multiple.

She shared the genesis of her main project, À la Recherche du fruit ligneux, tackling digital art, concepts of fluviality, opacity and marronnage.

Published in French on September 20th 2023.

Recent work

I am now a contributor to online magazine Black Square. Our first collaboration - an article focusing on the Harlem Renaissance featuring a curated choice of editions and coffee table books - inaugurated the segment “BLK Library.

Published in French on June 3rd 2023.

Recent work

I had the great honor to have been asked by the first Malagasy contemporary art foundation, Fondation H to write the text accompanying Confluence, an exhibition of works by Franco-caribbean artist, Johanna Mirabel at their Parisian space in May-June 2023.

We took time to converse on our common Guyanese heritage, tembé art, Édouard Glissant’s poetry and other topics.

Published in French on the artist & Fondation H websites. The text was also printed and distributed in a booklet.

Recent work

Following our 2020 and 2022 collaborations, Guadeloupean artist Elladj Lincy Deloumeaux asked me to write the text for his first solo show, Souvenirs entrelacés, with Galerie Perrotin in Dubai in May-June 2023.

Published in English and in French on Galerie Perrotin’s website.

Recent work

Following the participation of Moroccan cultural space Le 18, Marrakech at documenta 15, I met up with its co-founder, photographer Laila Hida for an interview. She notably shared her views on the future of the city’s and country’s artistic ecosystems.

Published in French and English in May 2023 in magazine Contemporary And (C&).

Louise thurin - the art momentum khadija tnana

Recent work

Being kindly invited by Maroc Premium Foundation to participate as an author to the Biennale internationale de Casablanca (BIC), I chose to focus on initiating an in-depth dialogue with Maroccan artist Khadija Tnana surrounding her installation Tata M’Barka, tackling domestic slavery in her own family and home country.

Published in French in December 2022 in The Art Momentum

Recent work

Following the announcement of Biennale Internationale de Sculpture de Ouagadougou’s third edition, I interviewed its co-founder, Burkinabese photographer Nyaba Léon Ouédraogo for magazine Contemporary And (C&).

Published in French and English in August 2022.

Louise thurin galerie cécile fakhoury

Recent work

I had the great honor to have been asked by Guadeloupean artist Elladj Lincy Deloumeaux to write the curation text of his latest exhibition at Galerie Cécile Fakhoury - Paris in March - April 2022.

The text is featured on their website and was printed on a leaflet + distributed at the gallery. It was also featured in a video by the artist and quoted in a JeuneAfrique article.

In March 2024, this text was translated and published in Italian for "Afrika Now," a comprehensive program of five simultaneous solo exhibitions by artists of African descent at MEF - Ettore Fico Museum in Turin, Italy.


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