Art market professional & Culture worker.

Jury member

Prix Traversées Africaines 2024

Grant for Artistic Production | September-October 2024

Since 2019, the non-profit organization Pour l’art pour l’Afrique has been dedicated to showcasing contemporary artists from the African continent, its diasporas, and those of African descent to a broader audience through a variety of initiatives. In 2021, it introduced Traversées Africaines, a region-wide cultural event and itinerary in Île-de-France. Building on this success, in 2023 Pour l’art pour l’Afrique established the Traversées Africaines Prize to further support and highlight emerging talent.

I am serving on the jury for the second iteration of the Prize alongside independent curators Cindy Olohou and Roger Niyigena Karera; Pour l’art pour l’Afrique’s representatives Grigori Michel and Marc Henry; Oliva Fahmy, curator of the Fondation Gandur pour l’art; and Sophie Dernois, Deputy Mayor of Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine in charge of Culture.

The artist selected by the jury will be awarded an exhibition at the Mariton Gallery, the municipal exhibition space in Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine, in May 2025, as part of Traversées Africaines, along with a grant for artistic production and research support.

Project coordinator

Archives of Women Artists : Research & Exhibitions - AWARE

Non-profit Art Historians Association | June 2023 - Current

AWARE: Archives of Women Artists, Research and Exhibitions, with the support of Canadian-Haitian visual artist Manuel Mathieu, is launching the first edition of the Marie-Solanges Apollon program with the goal of giving visibility to women artists from the Black Atlantic diasporas, from the XIXth century to today.

This program is named after Marie-Solanges Apollon, Manuel Mathieu’s grandmother, who was a Black immigrant woman living in Canada and a true potomitan. This polysemous creole term comes from the Haitian Vodou traditions and refers to a person, often a woman, who is the central pillar of their home, family, and community. The eponymous scholarship and residency are an homage to her and to the women whose lives have historically been kept in the shadows.

The Marie-Solanges Apollon program seeks to encourage research that highlights the artistic practices of women in transcultural situations related to the Black Atlantic, according to Paul Gilroy, or to the Global South. Special attention will be given to propositions that focus on artists who have lived with overlapping issues related to migration, métissage, Afro-descendance, Africanness, and gender.

In the context of this two-part program, AWARE proposes:

– One academic scholarship,

– One three-month residency at the Villa Vassilieff in Paris.

Both of which I am coordinating.

With the projects entitled “Beyond the Archives and Vodou Iconography: Luce Turnier, A Feminist Modernist in Haiti and Paris” and “A Violent Sublime: Women’s Articulation of and unsettling societal order”, Jerry Philogene and Sihle Motsa are the first recipients of the Marie-Solanges Apollon program.

Editorial coordinator

Archives of Women Artists : Research & Exhibitions - AWARE

Non-profit Art Historians Association | March 2023 - Current

Thanks to the ongoing successes of “The Origin of Others” and “Related” projects, I have been appointed as Editorial coordinator of “Tracing a decade” : Women Artists of the 1960’s in Africa, which focuses on the work of women artists during the 1960s, a decade of deep transformation on the African continent in which many African countries gained independence. This period has had a significant impact on the work of postcolonial African artists.

The project will trace the paths and works of women artists whose practice has been blurred for decades and whose contributions to early postcolonial narratives have yet to be recognized. It will follow guiding questions such as: Who were the women artists of the time? How did they work? How was their work received? What themes and questions were they exploring through their work?

A project in partnership with Njabala Foundation (Kampala, Uganda) and Fondation Gandur pour l’Art (Geneva, Switzerland).

Project coordinator

Archives of Women Artists : Research & Exhibitions - AWARE

Non-profit Art Historians Association | December 2022 - Current

I’m honored to have been appointed as Project coordinator of Related” : Netherlands - Caribbean, XIXth C. to Today, which aims to increase visibility in Global Art History of women artists born, living or having lived in Caribbean territories that were colonized by the Netherlands.

This program sets itself the goal to bridge a gap created by sexism, racism and geographical discrimination through production and diffusion of knowledge - notably by publishing online biographical texts and organizing public events.

A project in partnership with the Dutch Embassy in Paris.

Project coordinator

Archives of Women Artists : Research & Exhibitions - AWARE

Non-profit Art Historians Association | October 2021 - Current

I’m very much honored to have been appointed as Project coordinator of "The Origin of Others” : Rewriting Art History in the Americas, XIXth C. to Today which aims to increase visibility in Global Art History of Women of African & Indigenous descent in three broad geographical zones : Latin America, the Caribbean, and the United States. The program title references the series of essays by Toni Morrison, published in 2017.

Looking to bridge the gap created by sexism, racism, and geographical discrimination through production and diffusion of knowledge, the project opens discussion around what it means to “achieve institutional visibility” and how (re-)writing the history of Black and Indigenous women artists in the Americas might challenge existing academic boundaries in art history. Central questions include : What are the complexities of being a Black or/and Indigenous woman artist across these geographies ? What different fundamental societal impediments do these artists face ? How can we learn from the past to produce new narratives ?

A project in partnership with the Chanel Fund for Women in the Arts and Culture, Women Photographers International Archive (WOPHA), the Pérez Art Museum Miami and the Clark Art Institute.

Co-curator & Artist residency coordinator

Biennale Internationale de Sculpture de Ouagadougou (BISO)

Contemporary Art Biennial | Summer 2020 - October 2023

I was very much honored to have been appointed as the artist residency coordinator of BISO 2021 and 2023 + co-curator of BISO 2023 by its founders, Nyaba Léon Ouédraogo & Christophe Person.

This great artistic event is structured as follows : a one-month residence for 15+ international artists in Burkina Faso’s capital, followed by a one-month long exhibition at Institut Français de Ouagadougou for BISO 2021 and at the FESPACO headquarters for BISO 2023.

BISO 2021 and 2023 jury were composed of Abdoulaye Konaté (Mali), Barthélémy Toguo (Cameroon), Jean Servais Somian (Ivory Coast), Ky Siriki (Burkina Faso), Illa Donwahi (Ivory Coast), Gauz (Ivory Coast) and Hamady Bocoum (Senegal).

Some artists of the BISO 2021 selection : Oumar Ball (Mauritania), Abou Sidibé (Burkina Faso), Ferdaws Chamekh (Tunisia), Hélène Kelhetter (France), Indépendance Dougnon (Mali), Pedro Pires (Portugal/Angola), Yveline Tropéa (France/Burkina Faso)…

Some artists of the BISO 2023 selection : Rachel Marsil (France), Boukaré Bonkoungou (Burkina Faso), Steeve Bauras (Martinique, France), Demba Camara (Ivory Coast), Mélinda Fourn-Houngbo (France/Benin), Louisa Marajo (Martinique, France), Sadikou Oukpedjo (Togo/Ivory Coast), Samuel Nnorom (Nigeria), Shaka (Congo), Hervé Youmbi (Cameroon), Aïcha Snoussi (Tunisia)…

These two editions were held in a tense national and geopolitical context for Burkina Faso. We felt it was important that Art had its place in the country’s future’s discussion. I was notably cited by Le Monde Afrique and was invited on Fondation Rambourg Tunisia’s podcast for my noted involvement in BISO 2021.

For the 2023 edition, i notably wrote the curatorial text inspired by the novel Le Feu des origines (1987), Grand Prix littéraire d’Afrique noire, by Congolese author Emmanuel Dongala. The artists’ works and part of the text were notably featured in magazine Contemporary& (and featured as one of the magazine’s most-read article in 2023), OnArt Media and Nela Magazine.

BISO 2021 and 2023 were held thanks to their public and private sponsor and partners including the Ministry of Culture of Burkina Faso, Artcurial, Fondation Blachère, Cuperior Collection, Galerie Vallois - Cotonou, Fondation Donwahi, Fondation Gandur pour l’art…

Louise thurin


Galerie Christophe Person

Art gallery in le Marais | December 2022 - May 2023

I’m thrilled to embark on a new journey at Galerie Christophe Person - Paris, specializing in Modern and Contemporary African art.

Exhibitions in which I was an active participant :

Tati. Samuel Fosso’s first gallery solo show. 16th May - 10th June 2023.

L’Art en Guerre, group show including artists Aboudia (Ivory Coast), Olamilekan Abatan (Nigeria), Omar Ba (Senegal), Kirubel Melke (Ethiopia), Paul Ndema (Uganda), Kofi Bright Awuyah (Ghana)… 20th Apr - 13th May 2023.

Vanités, solo show of Ghanian painter Joseph Kojo Hoggar, 16th Mar -15 Apr 2023.

L’École de Dakar, with historic Senegalese artists Philippe Sène and Amadou Seck, 24th Feb -11th March 2023.

Artistes textiles d’Afrique du Sud. Portes-drapeaux des femmes et de la communauté LGBTI, with Siwze Sama Sibisi, Bev Butkow, Hannah Macfarlane and Jo Rogge, in partnership with Guns & Rain gallery (Johannesburg), 20th Jan -18th Feb 2023.

Explorer l’intime, with Cameroonese artists Wilfried Mbida and Manga Lulu Williams, 15th Dec 2022 - 14th Jan 2023.

Numerous events were held at the gallery during this time. Please refer to the “Public speaking and Policy making” page.


Balkin Bureau

PR Agency - Art, Design & Architecture | April - June 2022

For two months, I had the pleasure to assist Melissa Balkin, founder of the parisian Press Relations agency Balkin Bureau in her activities.


ARTNESS - Contemporary Art + Projects

Agency specialized in Contemporary African Art | Mars - April 2022

For a month, I had the privilege to assist Nadine Hounkpatin, co-founder of the Amsterdam-based agency ARTNESS on an art advisoring project.

154 PARIS - Louise Thurin

VIP Cultural facilitator

1-54 Art Fair x Christie's Paris

International Contemporary African Art Fair | 6-10th April 2022

I was very fortunate to integrate 1-54 Paris’ VIP Team for their second edition of the fair in the French capital.

You would have found me at the VIP Desk, hosting numerous tours of the Fair for VIP groups, chatting with guests at the Collectors' breakfast and welcoming VIPs at outdoors events, notably at musée du Quai Branly.


On Art Paris Art Fair 2022

Author of the partnership article ARTSKOP 34.37 X Art Paris Art Fair - La présence africaine à ART PARIS 2022" (FR) - published on March 22th.

VIP Cultural facilitator


Exhibition "Lumières noires" | October 28th 2021

I was thrilled to be invited to work with NETFLIX France, in partnership with Palais de Tokyo and YARD, to host a few VIP guided tours of the outdoor exhibiton "Lumières noires", setted up for the premiere of Black Cowboys movie"The Harder They Fall" (2021) by Jeymes Samuel.


On AKAA Fair Paris 2020

Author of the partnership article ARTSKOP 34.37 X AKAA Fair Paris 2020 -"AKAA 2020 au défi de la crise sanitaire" (FR) - published on October 23th.

Booth assistant

Salon D.DESSIN Paris

ARTSKOP 34.37’s Booth | 16-20th September 2020

I was proud to team-up with Jordan Geloto and Prince Malik Jewiti, founders of ARTSKOP 34.37 for the duration of the fair.

In collaboration with Atelier le Grand Village and Galerie Nathalie Obadia.

Content Creator

Fondation Louis Vuitton

"#OutoftheBox - Qu'en pensez-vous ? - autour de l'artiste chinoise Cao Fei" (FR) - published on the Instagram of the Foundation on July 25th 2020.

An A1 opportunity given by Zionsay Agency.

Executive assistant & Communication coordinator

Espace culturel Gacha & Fondation Jean-Félicien Gacha (NGO)

Cultural cooperation France - Cameroon | February - December 2019

I first joined Paris based Espace culturel Gacha as a paid intern tutored by Danilo Lovisi, curator of the Frederic and Ly Dumas Collection ; and then continued as communication coordinator.

With Espace & Fondation Gacha, I notably participated to RÉVÉLATIONS International Fine Craft Biennial 2019 at le Grand Palais where Cameroon was guest of honor of the Biennal’s Banquet.

I was honored to be a cultural facilitator for our booth and did tours for the general public, professionals and VIPs of the works of Barthélémy Toguo, Beya Gille Gacha, Gilbert Oumbé and Igénie Nomba - in presence of the artists.

Conservation and Archives departement intern

Musée d’Orsay

In February 2018, my outspoken regards and academic dedication to several French XIXth - Early XXth C. artists got me what seemed then to be the opportunity of a lifetime : a two-weeks internship at le musée d’Orsay.

I came back as a cashier the following summer.




Public speaking & Policy making